first stop: 周庄 somewhere between shanghai n hangzhou...

another pic of zhou zhuang...anyway its a 水乡古镇。。。

pat n me in shanghai...dunno wads e building behind us bt infront of us is e bund 外滩...cos its veri misty tats y cannot see e scenery...

a shopping mall in shanghai...reminds me of raffles city, e interior...n hav all e expensive shops tat singapore hav too...etc. lee...adidas...erm many others cannot rmb le...

then nite we went to 东方明珠。。。

tis is e hotel rm me n pat shared... =) quite nice...

anyway hav tv!! i miss watching tv!

e table...

e loo....

nice? haha... anyway hav alot of things nv say...nv post photos...as usual...for more info pls go to pat's blog...or u can go kaiboon's blogs...theres alotttt of chs ppl de links...cya!
PS. a few other photos

red trees!! okie i noe, tis photo needs photoshoping

e milk i drink every morning! juz went to auchan to stock up milk todae...cos auchan sell e milk 50cents rmb cheaper!

my micky mouse slippers i wear inside e hostel rm...

slippers i juz bought for wearing out to nearby places...etc to outside to throw rubbish bag, to laundry, to buy stuff at canteen 1...nearby... cute rite?? heeee....
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